Sunday, October 27, 2013

Picking Saffron!!

Found a saffron bloom at mom's today!!!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Digging Saffron

       One evening not too long ago, during a week when I was really missing my grandmother (Verna Weaver).  I kept having moments when I wanted to give her a call and chat about something or other - the sunny weather, my fresh blueberries and peaches, my bible study time, but I can no longer pick up the phone and just chat for a while. 
       However, I did have opportunity to spend time with my mother digging saffron that she has kindly been growing for me.  My other grandmother (MaryAnn White), not that I don't miss her at times, but she passed away when I was in high school and I didn't chat with her on the phone about various things of everyday life as an adult - anyways, she grew saffron for many years.  My uncle continued the tradition and when he moved to a senior apartment complex a year or two ago asked if anyone would want some  of the saffron bulbs.  Being nostalgic as tend to be, I said I would, but then because my mother has a fenced garden and tills up her own garden, I let her grow it.  That doesn't seem quite fair, but here where I live I would have to put up a fence or have the bunnies eat my saffron or come home one day to find my saffron patch tilled up, so I plead with her and she accommodates - I do feel a little guilty.  I know I enjoyed this evening and hopefully mom did too, and she is welcome to keep the saffron threads when the time comes, but first I will remember to set aside time to visit again when it is time to plant the bulbs again in a couple weeks.  
        This particular evening was about 90 degrees and we were dripping sweat just digging up this small patch, I will pray for a little cooler of an evening when we plant them again.

Found one!

Mom taking a turn with the fork.

Sorting through the dirt to find the bulbs.
This little rectangle of fresh dirt is where mom had the saffron planted.
The yield from our digging and sorting efforts.

A view over the fields from the corner of mom's garden.

The sun setting over mom and dad's.

Following is a little piece I wrote about my grandmother (Verna) not to long after she passed away this spring.  This was a timed writing exercise, I did for something.

Verna Gehman Weaver.  She had a round face, a face we always called a "Gehman"face.  I have the same face, just like my mother.  her face was quick to smile when you walked in the room that is what I remember.  She was 96 the last time I saw her, I was supposed to go to New York City to see an art show - felted art but there was a winter storm and it snowed and was cold so we cancelled out train tickets and stayed and visited grandma.  What a blessing.  She didn't seem to remember my name but she remembered me.  We put together a pretzel mix to sell in the gift store as one of her activities at the Lincoln Home.  The next day I mixed them up and brought one back for her.  She was very proud of that soft pretzel.  I still have the bag - where she changed "Aunt Annie's" to VernaW's.  Those were good days but they are gone now.  She is gone.  I keep thinking of calling her but I can't.  I called her many Saturday's after grandpa died.  I enjoyed talking to her.  When she lived at Fairmount early on.  I would talk to her about Bible Study she frequently went to Wheatridge for bible study and then I would talk about what I was teaching for Sunday School or for Thursday evening bible study.  She frequently asked me about work and if I was still helping people and going to their houses.  I remember talking to her many places - on walks along Zuercher Road, in the Kidron MC parking lot waiting to go water-skiing, at mom's house, in my car, at Beth and Arlin's when she gave me a Peanut Butter pie recipe and someone was being such a pest so I couldn't focus to write or listen to grandma that I went outside on the deck.  I also remember visiting grandma at Fairmount with my friends on the way back from NYC - with Elly, SongJu, Beth, and Holly.  It was a bright sunny day and we surprised her - I hadn't told her ahead so she wouldn't be disappointed if we didn't stop.
       I have other memories too at her home on Gockley Rd, above the farm she grew up on.   I remember walks, visiting her friends, My times up.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Suckered and...Wet!

This post was supposed to be titled Suckered and Caged, however it rained.  I got my tomatoes suckered but didn't get them caged before the rain came.  I also planted some thai long beans this evening and did some weeding.  Still have an area that I haven't planted, trying to decide what I want to plant.  Any suggestions?  I already have some tomatoes and peppers, broccoli, kale, romaine lettuce, onions, a few potatoes, a few green beans, cucumber, zucchini, a yellow squash (which is just peaking out of the ground), and a few zinnias.  I do want to plant some basil and maybe some more zinnias and possible a couple more peppers.  Let me know if you have any suggestions.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Say what?...a Freeze Warning! No!

So I was going away for Memorial Day weekend and had been nurturing 4 nice tomato plants on my front porch, but wasn't sure if they would make it 3-4 days without watering.  I decided early the week before that they would fare better in my garden than on my porch, but late in the week I dreaded I had made a mistake.  As I headed out of town on Friday, I pulled up the weather only to notice there was a frost warning, or was it a freeze warning, I can't quite remember, but all three nights I was gone there was a freeze or frost warning and there was nothing I could do from miles away.
I was so busy when I returned, that I didn't make the dreaded walk to the garden until this evening, just before I set off to the greenhouse to purchase some new tomato plants.  How grateful I was when I found that God had left me a little birthday present, one of my Japanese Black Trifles had managed to survive the 3 cold nights, the rest were gone, but standing there by itself was one of my prized tomatoes with a few brown edged leaves, looking slightly beat up, but I think it will survive.  I most definitely said a prayer thanksgiving and gratitude.
I hurried off to the greenhouse to see what other tomatoes I could find and came home, with another Japanese Black Trifle, 3 Oxhearts, 2 Hungarian Oxhearts, 2 Cherokee Purples, a Great White, and 2 Snow Whites, more tomatoes than I will probably need, but perhaps my mother will want some.  These tomatoes will replace the one Trifle, one Giantissmo Oxheart, and one Cherokee Purple.  I also lost a pepper plant and a thai basil plant.  I did pick up a few peppers, but not any basil yet.  I got 2 kung pao peppers, 2 giant aconcagua peppers, and 2 giant marconi peppers.
Also in my collection from the green house is a little fingers eggplant.  I have never had much luck with eggplant, planted one multiple times and have yet to have seen any eggplants, so maybe this year.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Our Pardoned Salad

 Some pardon turkeys on Thanksgiving, but we pardoned the salad.  Well all least we used it to add a little green to our table.

Monday, November 19, 2012

A Fall Hello

My garden is empty.  On a nice day last weekend I cleaned up most of my garden, leaving just my kale.  I would post a picture of my kale for you, but one of my helpful fellow gardeners seemed to have helped me out while I was busy enjoying the company of my aunt and uncle and cousin and his wife who were visiting my parents this week and weekend.  Guess I won't be harvesting any more kale.  Oh well.

A sunflower field from my travels this summer.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Is it really fall already?

I can't believe it is time to clean up my garden and I haven't posted a thing since June.  Well, today I thought I would enjoy a few kale chips from my garden, and was pleasantly surprised with a few Snow White tomatoes.  Seems that even though the plant froze about a week or two ago, a few had fallen on the ground, and it stayed warm enough that I could still enjoy them this evening with my brown rice and kale chips.

Kale chips ready for the oven.