Monday, February 14, 2011

Winter Gardening

Seed catalogs....the gardener's long awaited treatment for winter blues. However if your eyes are good you might be able to read the CD on top is "A Little Drummer Boy". This catalog arrived, that's right before Christmas. That's okay, I was still excited and a little giddy.

However with the holidays, I'm not sure where it currently is .... I could use it about now. Just the other day, I heard someone say they had tomato starts in their window. Mine may be a week or two or three yet, but soon.

We will see if I start that or my new Pasta Herb Seed kit, a gift from my neighbor, with instructions for me to have them over for supper once the herbs are ready for eating. I need to get them started, because there can be no epic fail with conditions like that and I have eye surgery planned for the end of March and the last time I had eye surgery, my ambition dropped dramatically.

Another exciting thing is this rain gauge, I found at a discount store. I have been wanting to get a rain gauge, and I'm partial to dragonflies, so I could hardly pass it by. I have yet to decide where to put it.

Looking forward to playing in the dirt....