Sunday, July 22, 2018

A Walk in the Garden This Morning

Don't think for a second that I haven't been to my garden since is just I haven't shared it with you.  I actually had quite a lot of fun with my flowers last year.  I even managed to achieve a coveted blue ribbon at the county fair with some of my zinnias.  This morning there was a. nice gentle rain, but I still went and snapped a few pictures, there are a few weeds about but it is not too bad and I have even garnered a few red tomatoes already.

A wonderful sight that makes me very happy.
A variety of zinnias scattered about.

Marigolds and Snapdragons. 

Veggies emerging for future consumption.....mmmmm.

Such a pleasant sight of veggies and flowers.

A row of tomatoes split by zinnias.

A backdrop of snapdragons for my vining zucchini.

Unfortunately, despite two plantings my kale as yet to emerge...shall I hope that this rain will work some magic or resigning myself to having bought some bad seed and needing to buy my kale all summer.......

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful flowers! I snagged the last two packs of zinnias the greenhouse had when I was there in May. Must be a super popular flower!
