Friday, May 31, 2013

Say what?...a Freeze Warning! No!

So I was going away for Memorial Day weekend and had been nurturing 4 nice tomato plants on my front porch, but wasn't sure if they would make it 3-4 days without watering.  I decided early the week before that they would fare better in my garden than on my porch, but late in the week I dreaded I had made a mistake.  As I headed out of town on Friday, I pulled up the weather only to notice there was a frost warning, or was it a freeze warning, I can't quite remember, but all three nights I was gone there was a freeze or frost warning and there was nothing I could do from miles away.
I was so busy when I returned, that I didn't make the dreaded walk to the garden until this evening, just before I set off to the greenhouse to purchase some new tomato plants.  How grateful I was when I found that God had left me a little birthday present, one of my Japanese Black Trifles had managed to survive the 3 cold nights, the rest were gone, but standing there by itself was one of my prized tomatoes with a few brown edged leaves, looking slightly beat up, but I think it will survive.  I most definitely said a prayer thanksgiving and gratitude.
I hurried off to the greenhouse to see what other tomatoes I could find and came home, with another Japanese Black Trifle, 3 Oxhearts, 2 Hungarian Oxhearts, 2 Cherokee Purples, a Great White, and 2 Snow Whites, more tomatoes than I will probably need, but perhaps my mother will want some.  These tomatoes will replace the one Trifle, one Giantissmo Oxheart, and one Cherokee Purple.  I also lost a pepper plant and a thai basil plant.  I did pick up a few peppers, but not any basil yet.  I got 2 kung pao peppers, 2 giant aconcagua peppers, and 2 giant marconi peppers.
Also in my collection from the green house is a little fingers eggplant.  I have never had much luck with eggplant, planted one multiple times and have yet to have seen any eggplants, so maybe this year.

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