Showing posts with label beets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label beets. Show all posts

Friday, February 3, 2012

It is February, but feels almost as if spring is in the air. I suppose it is time to start thinking about what I want to plant in my garden this year and order any seeds that I want to start.

Since I haven't posted in a while, here are a few late findings from my garden las fall.

A persimmon tomato

Hungarian Oxheart tomato

Beets from my garden that I shredded for a salad.

I mixed them with mandolin sliced spinach and tossed them with some dressing.

A tomatilla from my garden.

They never really got any bigger than that before frost, so here are some I got at the farmer's market.

I am thinking maybe some Hungarian Oxheart, one yellow tomato plant - perhaps persimmon, San Marzano for sauce, and a Snow White cherry tomato this year, and maybe one Japanese Black Trifle, if I can find one, I don't think I'll start it myself. Some red peppers, I made a most delicious Roasted Red Pepper Spread last fall, and I want to try it again......... More planning is in order.