After being chased from my garden by darkness, mom (who stopped by to help me out) and I sat down on my swing to go through some seed packets she had - so now I have some zucchini, patty pan squash, nasturtiums, carrots, and beets to plant in the coming days. Add that squash to the trombetta - a climbing italian summer squash I got from another friend, and this gardener, who generally doesn't plant squash because it takes up too much space and tends to be a prolific for my taste, is asking for trouble. And to think I am not even planting my favorite squash, which happens to be butternut squash, or a fun squash like fairytale pumpkins, which I was going to try planting one year and saved some seed, but I don't know what happened to it, so I never did. Oh well, I do like squash, but I am not sure I can keep up.
I am excited about the nasturtiums, I had tried to grow it once before but my seed was old and it never came up. On top of all the previous listed things, I still need to plant onions, beans, and maybe some corn and potatoes.
And I forgot to mention after being chased out of the garden by darkness, I was chased off the swing by a bumble bee - obviously enjoying the beautiful day as much as I was prior to my disturbing his resting place (the spring of my porch swing) and subsequently being sprayed by poisonous spray. I am hoping that will take care of the problem, because I have no intention of giving up my porch swing for the summer.
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