Sunday, November 21, 2010

Not quite gardening...but enjoyable...

Well after such delinquency, why not just post twice in one day. I wanted to share with you another new adventure, that I worked on this past week. I had checked a book out of the library on making cheese several weeks ago, it is probably due tomorrow...or yesterday.

Last week I finally got around to trying on of the recipes, so here are some pictures of that.

Paneer cheese
It is an Indian cheese, so I made some Saag Paneer.

Here is the cubed and fried paneer before I added it to the spinach.

My saag paneer, I liked it and my brother liked...thats two thumbs up.

On Thursday, I helped my mom at Deck the Halls and here is the project that I was in charge of - it is a Willow Spool Tree. I had fun and all of the lady's walked away with a finished project so I must have lead it okay.

Thanksgiving is this week and we had our thanksgiving program at church this evening. I was reflecting on things that I am thankful for this past year. I had been struck in my Sunday school class at the many different facets of God that we experience each day and throughout the year. I had my students bring in an object that represented their relationship with God and was struck by the things they brought, so I will share them here with you.

One brought a picture of friends......
because God is always there for you, just like friends.

One brought a knot .......
because it is tight and connected.

One brought a motion alarm......
because he is not perfect and when he makes
mistakes God reminds him to be the person
God desires him to be.

One brought a ball made of tape pieces......
because our relationship with God is made
up of different experiences and as we share
those experiences with God and spend more
time with God our relationship with God grows.

And then today I was reminded how God is the master healer - he heals us physically, emotionally, and spiritually. I was working on
a "pine tree" project and missed the pine branch and snipped my finger. Don't worry...I didn't cut off my finger...but it did bleed and hurt. However it reminded me that I might have to worry about it bleeding too much or hurting alot, but I didn't have to worry if it would heal. This past year with my eye has been interesting, it not have the vision that it had before, but it has healed and I can function pretty much as before and if I decide to have surgery to try to improve the vision - it may or may not, but I can trust God that He will heal.

Here is a picture of my "pine tree" that I was making this afternoon.

And now for just a fun picture....

My mom might not appreciate this, but here is my mom the bell player....probably the only time she will ever be in a bell choir. The kids from church played some songs for us and then had the adults give it a try to see how they would do. It was a fun evening.

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