Springtime brings me thoughts of happiness and the sun seems to give me energy. I dream of little green plants growing and summertime harvests. I peruse the gardening sections at hardware stores and am tempted by any greenhouses I happen upon. This time of year brings us hope of warm weather, flowers begin to bloom, and we seem to be rejuvenated. Why then do I speak of sorrow? The seed has to die for the shoot to break forth from the ground. Death is a natural part of life, but that does not take away the sense of loss and grief that we experience. I mourn the loss of my friend Kimsin today... I have no words for this and I don't know what shoots and sprouts will come forth from this and may never understand, but I know that Kimsin taught me to recognize the power of prayer. I don't know why God didn't answer the many prayers of family and friends on Kimsin's behalf, but I know that God is almighty and he can do "immeasurably more than we ask or imagine" and that He loved Kimsin, so I pray that he will water and tend to those shoots that would come from Kimsin's life and bring glory to God.
Charming photo of you and Kimsun. treasure the moments you shared together.