Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Suckered and...Wet!

This post was supposed to be titled Suckered and Caged, however it rained.  I got my tomatoes suckered but didn't get them caged before the rain came.  I also planted some thai long beans this evening and did some weeding.  Still have an area that I haven't planted, trying to decide what I want to plant.  Any suggestions?  I already have some tomatoes and peppers, broccoli, kale, romaine lettuce, onions, a few potatoes, a few green beans, cucumber, zucchini, a yellow squash (which is just peaking out of the ground), and a few zinnias.  I do want to plant some basil and maybe some more zinnias and possible a couple more peppers.  Let me know if you have any suggestions.